How do you think self-care products should be regulated in Canada? Current regulation depends on whether the product is classed as a cosmetic; over-the-counter drug; or natural health product.
These products are often grouped together in stores based on their intended use. They may have similar packaging with claims that they treat the same conditions. For example, cosmetic toothpastes, OTC toothpastes and NHP toothpastes all look similar and are sold together but are not subject to the same standards. Homeopathic and drug-containing cough preparations can both claim to relive coughs, but only the drug product is required to support this claim with evidence. This may mislead consumers to believe that these products are all equally effective and subject to the same standards.
Health Canada is looking for feedback on proposals to replace this current system with a risk based system. Under the proposed system, the level of HC review would be based on the risk posed by the product. For example, toothpaste would be classified as a low risk subject to minimal review; but products related to cardiovascular health would be classified as higher risk and therefore subject to full review.
Health Canada is looking for your feedback on its proposal. You are invited to comment through their online survey before October 24th.