Event details
- Sotiris Greek Restaurant - 3135 Harvestor Rd, Burlington, ON
- August 17, 2022
- Wednesday, 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM
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Iron Deficiency Anemia Management Through Clinical Pearls
Wednesday, 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM
August 17, 2022
• Recall the diagnostic assessment of and
investigational tests used for iron deficiency
anemia (IDA).
• Distinguish iron status with the various
underlying causes of IDA.
• Implement the management algorithm of IDA to
achieve optimal patient outcomes.
• Review oral iron therapy as first-line treatment
• Identify the main clinical indications for currently
available IV iron therapies and recognize their
differences through evidenced-based research.
• Apply practical approaches according to
different underlying causes of iron deficiency
anemia and other patient factors.
Speaker: Dr Mark Crowther – McMaster University
Location: Sotiris Greek, 3135 Harvester Rd, Burlington, ON L7N 3N8
Date: Weds August 17, 2022